The Open House Day – on Tuesday, February 6, 2024
We opened the premises of our school in Prague's Vršovice to the public again this year and greeted all those interested with more detailed information about the study before the start of the spring March study cycle.
For all new visitors interested in studying MBA, BBA, DBA and LLM, we have prepared an open house day at the Business Institut before the start of the spring March cycle again. Our study coordinators were available from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm and answered all curious questions of visitors who came to ask about studying programmes MBA, BBA, LLM or DBA. The open house day was held on February 6, 2024. Thank you to everyone who came to us for a meeting.
From March 1, 2024, we will meet in a combined form at lecturer meetings in Prague’s Vršovice. If you missed it and are thinking about the benefits of studying, do not hesitate to contact our study department. Online study is available anywhere at any time, fill out an application on the websites and you can start studying right now. Don´t wait too long and be our new student!