Viliam Kolivoška
Researcher, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry AV ČR v.v.i.

Studying financial management at the Business Institute helped me gain a comprehensive view of the issues related to financial planning and management within projects, but also other areas, such as risk management, investment in capital and foreign exchange markets and tax systems. I use the acquired knowledge not only in my professional life, but also when managing personal finances. I recommend studying financial management at the Business Institute to everyone who has not had the opportunity to gain deeper knowledge in the field of finance as part of high school or university studies, but is forced to use it in a professional life. The undeniable advantage of studying at the Business Institute compared to the common full-time study is the possibility to create your own time schedule, which I used during my studies. I rate the quality of service provided by the study department as top-notch. The knowledge gained at the Business Institute certainly outweighed the invested time, effort and funds.