Free study literature

Our students have access to quality information sources throughout their studies, from which they can draw seminar papers, case studies and final theses. Students have access to profesional literature through an online library with more than a million titles. The study also includes materials, syllabi, presentations, videos, which the student has available anytime and anywhere thanks to the student section.

Online library

Online times have made it easier to access a wealth of information, eliminating, for example, carrying heavy books, going to the library and paying fines for late returns. If you do not have your own library at home, loaded with lots of professional titles, the Business Institute offers solutions as part of the benefits of studying.

In order to create the most comfortable conditions for our students to study and save their time, they receive access to an extensive online library along with access to the student section. There are more than a million titles in the online library. There are not only book titles in the Czech language, but also foreign languages. In the library you will also find professional articles and scientific research. Quick access and a user-friendly online library environment will facilitate the entire study. It is possible to read both on a computer and on a tablet or mobile phone.